Melissa Gluck answered some questions from the ‘America Hoy’ reporter about her recent travels to Brazil, after sharing her diaspora drive. With this, he has explained the rumors that he is dating Christian Cueva.
It is significant Christian Cueva Played in the club Sao Paulo In 2016, 2017 and 2018, it was speculated Melissa Gluck He would have seen the player in Brazil.
What did Melissa Gluck say about her travels to Brazil?
Melissa GluckRecently appointed Pamela Lopezwife Christian CuevaHe shared the details and reasons why he keeps coming to Brazil. In this case, ‘Blanca de Chucuito’ mentioned that since 2000, he has been traveling to the country of ‘Carioca’ for an important reason.
Melissa Gluck explains why she went to Brazil. Photo: USA TODAY
“I’ve been going to Brazil since 2000 and I’ve always been devoted to the Virgin Mary,” said his ex-partner and the mother of his children. Jefferson Farfan.
After this the reporter replied.America TodayI will ask you if you ever went to Brazil to visit your friend in 2017 Christian Cueva.
It is significant Aparecida of Our Lady of the ConceptionLocated in the city of Abarecida Sao Paulo.
Aparecida of Our Lady of the Conception. Photo: Religious Tourism
How old are the photos of Melissa Gluck in Brazil?
Melissa Gluck He shared a photo gallery with his message showing the date and time of his stay in such cities Rio de Janeiro And Sao Paulo. One of them originated on February 26, 2017 at 3:58 pm

Melissa Gluck on a trip to Brazil in 2017. Photo: America Hoy
In the second picture shared, ‘Blanca from Chucuito‘, she is seen at a festival, on February 27, 2017, at 2:02 a.m. The event took place at the Sampodromo D at that time. Rio de Janeiro.

Melissa Gluck showed the second film in Brazil. Photo: USA TODAY
Finally, Melissa Gluck On February 26, 2017, she shared a photo gallery showing the date of her trip to Brazil.

Melissa Gluck on a trip to Brazil. Photo: USA TODAY
Melissa Gluck denies relationship with Christian Cuevas
In a statement on his Instagram account, he said, Melissa Gluck She categorically denied having a romantic relationship with the footballer. Christian CuevaMakes it clear that her relationship with him was always just a friendship.

Melissa Klug reports. Photo: Instagram
“Mr. It is completely false that he had an intimate relationship with Christian Cueva. “I’ve already had an opportunity to clarify that matter with the people involved,” Gluck said.
Additionally, Pamela LopezHe had already faced before Melissa About these encounters and their closeness. However, Farban’s ex-partner denied it, saying it wasn’t his fault that he flirted and was ending her friendship with the footballer.
“She didn’t deny that she had an affair with him,” Lopez added. After the ATV show, Kluck et al Cave They sent a statement promising that they were only friends.
Christian Cueva denies infidelity with Melissa Gluck
The Peruvian footballer has categorically denied the allegations and denied any romantic relationship with her Melissa Gluck He added that all the details would be clarified “before the authorities”.

Report by Christian Cueva. Photo: Christian Cueva/ Instagram
Melissa Gluck sends a reported letter to Pamela Lopez
Melissa Gluck replied Pamela LopezThe amendment was sought after Magali claimed on Medina’s program that she had an affair with Christian Cueva.
Klug sent a notarized letter, which was read live on ‘America Hoyle’, in which he says Lopez’s statements are false and damaging to his honor and reputation. On ‘Magaly TV: La Firme’, Lopez claimed to have had close meetings with Cueva Gluck in 2018 and 2020, presenting evidence of cordial conversations between them.

Notarized letter from Melissa Gluck to Pamela Lopez. Photo: America TV
Summary: Melissa Gluck Denies Trip To Brazil With Christian Cueva: He Was Going To See Virgin Mary
- Visits to Brazil: Melissa Klug, who has since 2000 denied any connection to Cristian Cueva, explained that her trips to Brazil were motivated by her devotion to the Virgin of Aparecida.
- 2017 Predictions: With rumors of a meeting with Cueva in 2017, Klug showed photos and dates of his stay in Brazil, confirming that his visit was for religious and tourist reasons.
- Refusal of romantic relationship: Melissa Gluck flatly denied having a close relationship with Christian Cueva, saying their relationship had always been friendly.
- Report by Christian Cueva: The footballer denied any romantic relationship with Gluck and indicated that the details would be clarified before the authorities.
- In reply to Pamela Lopez: Klug responded to Cueva’s wife, Pamela Lopez, who denied any responsibility for the actions of the footballer who was accused of flirting.