Your new daily word game obsession is here. Try out our new NFL player guessing game.
By now, you’ve probably already seen the new SB Nation in-5 daily trivia game. It made its debut over at recently, but we have now decided to switch things up a bit (because we’re still in the figuring-it-out phase here): for the next few days, the game will be posted directly here on The Phinsider at 8 a.m. ET each day.
The game will live in a new article each day for you to play, chat about, and provide feedback.
An important note: this game includes a field of current and former random NFL players, not just current and former Dolphins players.
September 15th game
September 14th game
September 13th game
September 12th game
September 11th game
What we need from you
- Play the game (we’re picking from among both active and retired players)
- Share your result in the comments and on social media
- Provide feedback (Google Form or in comments below)
See SB Nation in-5 game instructions below the game.
SB Nation in-5
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The goal of the game is to guess the correct random NFL player with the help of up to five clues. We’ll mix in BOTH ACTIVE AND RETIRED PLAYERS this week. It won’t be easy to figure it out in one or two guesses, but some of you might be able to nail it. It will be a mix of well-known players and some “that guys” that we haven’t thought of in some time. The game will appear in slot #3 of the layout each day this week, with a new article each day for the game.
After you correctly guess the player, you can click “Share Results” to share how you did in the comments and on social media. We won’t go into other details about the game as we’d like your feedback on it. How it plays, what you think of it, the difficulty level, and anything else you can think of that will let us know what you think and how we can improve the game. You can provide feedback in the comments of this article, or you can fill out this Google Form.